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The Tuesday Womens Group Expansion

T TheTuesdayWomensGroup  •  2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Tuesday Womens Group
Tuesday Womens Group

Investment project code: 646

Estimated Price



The Tuesday Womens Group started in Easter 2024 with the aim of bringing local women together to reduce isolation, improve confidence and make new friends. The group is open to all women in Saltcoats and beyond and provides a warm welcome to all new members. We are hoping to provide activities, days out and food as we develop and expand our programme. Based within the Argyle Community Centre, we are easily accessible, with car parking, a bus stop nearby and a 5 minute walk from the town centre


We are looking to raise £800 to continue and expand our group.

£200 for crafts and resources

£200 for food

£400 for trips and outings.

One of our members recently said, "i was sitting alone in the house with no-one to talk too and now I have a purpose on a Tuesday morning, have somewhere to go, have made new friends and look forward to taking part in things again. The winter doesnt look so bad now."

By bringing local women together we are offering a sense of purpose, building reslience and promoting independence.

Don't have defined milestones