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School Trips

H Hayocks primary parent council 2023  •  2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Hayocks Primary Parent Council
Hayocks Primary Parent Council

Investment project code: 576

Estimated Price



Children in our school were not able to access school trips last year due to lack of school funds, school trips provide positive experiences for children and are important for their health, wellbeing and development.


- To provide children with positive experiences alongside their peers, this can help to build relationships and enhance friendships which is important for mental health.

- Children can learn and develop new skills during educational trips, this can also support outdoor learning.

- This fund would provide transport and any additional costs for trips.

- This will improve health & wellbeing, the most important expense for trips to support families would be transport, this would allow children and families to access good experiences together.

- The parent council will organise transport for children and families.

- Families who have been affected by the cost of living would benefit from their children being included in trips that they would not be able to afford.

Buses: £750

Snacks: £250

Location: We would provide trips within North Ayrshire for our community members.

Proposed on behalf of: Hayocks Parent Council

Don't have defined milestones