Arran Pride
Investment project code: 74
Arran Pride would like to hold six movie events that highlight, inform and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ using the Community Theatre in Lamlash. Building community, supporting wellbeing and delivering cultural and lifestyle information to aide understanding and build on both acceptance and social cohesion. We hope to offer free seats to young people and have already engaged with members of Arran Youth Foundation the curated collection of movies. Each movie event will cost over £550 and hope to secure funding to help underpin our own fundraising.
So far we have raised £1152 towards this idea with other fundraising still to be undertaken.
Amount Requested: £400
600 Theatre Hire 600 Movie rental/licence 1200 Equipment hire (projector etc)
Location: Arran
Proposed on behalf of: The LGBTQIA+ community have many issues and challenges with mental wellbeing and isolation being just two. The opportunity to build community, increase awareness and create supportive events while informing and entertaining is key to delivering our aims. We hope to commence the series of monthly movie events from February to July.
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