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Ellie Swanston

N NACAdmin  •  2023-02-16  •  4 comments  •  Three Towns Arts and Culture  • 

Ellie Swanston.jpg
Ellie Swanston.jpg

Investment project code: 183



I would like to run an art club in partnership with the North Ayrshire Foodbank. Since November I have been providing arts and crafts sessions every week at the Foodbank's warm hub, which have been increasingly popular. Sadly, the funding is being pulled and so the people I've been working will no longer have these free sessions to attend, which was part of their weekly routine. I would use the money to run a weekly art club within the Foodbank, which would teach various practical skills, but also aim to build self-confidence, self-worth, and reduce social isolation.  

The North Ayrshire Foodbank have said that if i received the Arts and Culture funding then they would enter partnership with me and provide an additional £400 to run the project.

Amount Requested: £400

lead tutor - over 24hrs work over 12 weeks - £360 tutor assistant - 8 hrs work over 4 weeks - £120 materials - £250 promotional materials/leaflets etc. - £20 refreshments - £30 resolution of course (will be decided upon by participants) - £50

Proposed on behalf of: I would like to run a free 12 week Visual Arts course at the Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene. There is huge proportion of people in Ardrossan living in poverty, who are struggling more than others during the cost of living crisis. Now more than ever, people need something to look forward to, and they need somewhere they feel safe in, something to distract them and bring them joy. Being able to make and create is a fundamental human necessity, and too often the arts are too expensive for people to access. I want to teach practical skills in which the participants can take home and recreate on their kitchen table. The participants will be involved in the decision making of what we do on the course, as the privilege of choice is not something we always get in life. i want to sit money aside for the participants to decide how we conclude the course, whether or not we host a mini exhibition, an art swap, make a video of the experience or perhaps something different entirely that they come up with themselves. The dates for the course's commencement have yet to be finalised with The North Ayrshire Foodbank.

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