St Bridget's Primary School Show Group

Investment project code: 16
The St Bridget's School Show Group provides the opportunity for pupils to participate in a weekly after schools club, to develop their skills in Music, Drama and Dance. The Group will rehearse a show and perform this on the stage for the rest of the school and local community.
Funds requested: £1000
Show licenses - £400 Props and staging - £600
Location: St Bridget's Primary School
Proposed on behalf of: The St Bridget's School Show Group provides all children with the opportunity to participate in the Arts of Drama, Music and Dance, The Group runs weekly after school sessions and will culminate with performances of the show in June 2023. The school is located in an area of social depravation (according to SIMD statistics) and therefore opportunities for young people can be restricted. The School Show Group provides young people with the opportunity to be involved in the Arts, free of charge. Without the Group this is an opportunity that may not be accessible to a number of young people. The benefits of the School Show Group also extends beyond the children to their families. The families support the pupils with the learning of lines and songs and can share the experience with their children. The families and local community also benefit from coming to see the children perform the show.
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