Beith Cultural and Heritage Society

Investment project code: 15
We would like to purchase software so that we can list and categorise our collection. It will allow members, volunteers and visitors to access our collection with a view to carrying out research including family history research
Funds requested: £925
Modes Compact Software-£650 Support for one year-£75 Initial training for group-£200
Location: The Townhouse, 2 The Strand, Beith
Proposed on behalf of: Our collections policy is quite broad.Over the last few years we have been fortunate enough to receive a number of donations of artefacts and photographs. We store these within the Townhouse and have exhibitions running inour downstairs meeting room.We have documented about 1500 items at present but we require professional software to correctly manage this. We hope to purchase Modes Compact software which is specially designed for smaller museums and collections and supports Standards for Accreditation. It allows you to collate, manage and share collections information effectively. We hope that by having a recognised database more people will be able to access our collection.
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