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Participatory budgets

2023 Participatory Budgeting

Help with participatory budgets

Current phase


Participatory budgets phases



Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a form of citizen participation, where local people are involved in the process of deciding how public money is spent.

Local people are given a role in the scrutiny and monitoring of the process following the allocation of budgets, acting as local steering groups and shortlisting panels to review and score applications submitted for funding.

2023 Locality and Arts and Culture PB

The 2023 round of PB in North Ayrshire sees a total of £109,775 up for grabs by local groups, split as follows:

  • £7,200 to support Arts and Culture, with £1,200 available in each locality
  • £102,575 to support Locality projects, with the amount broken down based on the percentage of population in each area

Applicants can bid for a maximum of £400 from the Arts and Culture funds, or £1000 from the Locality funds, and if they have ideas that are applicable to both pots of money, are able to submit one application in both streams of funding.

Where there are more applications than funding available, the process is deemed to be competitive, and only the projects receiving the highest number of votes will receive a share of the funding. This ensures that local people are making the decisions on how funding available locally is spent, prioritising it going to the causes that matter most to them. 


The Shortlisting Process


The 2023 Locality and Arts and Culture PBs are the first to be run in person following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has involved a mixture of old and new ways of working, and the shortlisting process for applications submitted in this round has taken place in person with steering groups, made up of local community representatives. Each group includes young people and representatives from a range of local groups and individuals to ensure a balance of perspectives. 

Once the application deadline passed, all applications that passed the basic eligibility criteria were passed to a steering group in each locality, who then reviewed and scored the applications against a set of standardised criteria. 

All applications which passed the shortlisting process will be open to an online public vote from Sunday 26th February to Sunday 12th March.

Cast Your Votes!


Welcome to the online voting space for the 2023 Locality and Arts and Culture PB!

How to vote

  • Select the locality that you live or work in from the two headings (Locality or Arts and Culture) below. You will only be able to vote in one area, so make sure you click on the right one!
  • Each locality has a monetary value assigned to it (e.g. Garnock Valley has £14,417 for the Locality PB), and this is how much has been allocated to each area. Your vote will determine how this funding is distributed between the projects in your area.
  • Review all of the projects in your area to decide which three you think are most deserving of a share of the funding
  • To cast your vote, select your favourite three projects from the list in your locality and click 'Submit Ballot'.
  • Remember to vote in both Arts and Culture and the Locality PBs!

You must be logged in to be able to vote. This is to ensure that each voter is only completing voting once.

Unsure how to register to vote? Click here for a great step-by-step guide from West Dumbartonshire Council breaking down the registration process in detail, including screenshots.

If you need help to vote online or on paper, your local library can support you - pop in to your nearest branch to find out more.

Reviewing voting


Thank you to everyone who has cast their votes for projects in the Locality and Arts & Culture PB rounds.

Voting has now closed online and in libraries, but check back here for updates - results will be displayed here soon!



Come back after voting closes to find out who has successfully secured funding from this round of PB!

Click here to see this year's results

Arts and Culture PB

  • Arran Arts and Culture £1,200
  • Garnock Valley Arts and Culture £1,200
  • Irvine Arts and Culture £1,200
  • Kilwinning Arts and Culture £1,200
  • North Coast Arts and Culture £1,200
  • Three Towns Arts and Culture £1,200

Locality PB

  • Arran £9,666
  • Garnock Valley £14,417
  • Irvine £28,243
  • Kilwinning £11,337
  • North Coast £16,678
  • Three Towns £23,402

Budget investments' proposals located geographically

Find out more about participatory budgeting

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process that gives local people the power to decide how public sector money is spent. This can be by deciding on how grants are distributed; having a say in how services work in an area; and ultimately influencing decisions at a local authority level by voting on projects that communities would like to see happen in their local area. You can find out more about PB in Scotland here: