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Dykesmains PS Parent Council

D Dykesmains  •  2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 358

Estimated Price



Enhancing the outdoor space available at Dykesmains, we would like to support the Eco Committee in further developing the outdoor areas, including the outdoor classroom and spaces for lessons in sustainability and with the family learning team.


We would like to develop the area for forest school, allowing the family learning programme to continue, with den making, outdoor cooking and growing.  The following items would be required: Outdoor tarpaulens £100, den-making kit £120, discovery table £250, explorer kits £150, outdoor cooking equipment £180, outdoor storage £200.  This would allow the pupils to utilise these facilities in their learning and in their playtime.  In addition, with coordination from the eco group and family learning, they will be able to continue with learning for sustainability and allowing parents/ carers and siblings to access these lessons as after school workshops.  These have been very successful in the past at bringing our school community together, but requires some additional funding for the resources.  Unfortunately, some our outdoor features were vandalised recently and now need to be secured in outdoor storage.

Don't have defined milestones