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Place Woodland and Garnock Valley Carves

N NAC Admin  •  2023-09-18  •  No comments  •  UK Shared Prosperity Fund PB  • 

Investment project code: 468

Estimated Price



BOPNW and PWG agree to work in partnership where BOPNW can assist and manage any grant funding for the combined projects as Place Woodlands do not have a constitution or bank account.


BOPNW have run the successful Garnock Valley Carves event for 5 years and wish to continue into the future.

Costs as follows:

  • 14 carvers @ £200 each: £2800
  • Hire of toilets: £550
  • Hire of radios and security/first aid: £500
  • Licenses: £500
  • Breakfasts and lunches for sponsors, stewards and carvers: £400
  • Hire of large marquee: £450
  • Printing of leaflets and general advertising: £600
  • Cutting the field: £500
  • Total: £6350

This does not include the cost of all the free activities we provide for children

The total cost of running the event in 2022 was over £12000

PWG have need for several items of high cost equipment and are lacking in funds

The Woodland has been running now for over 12 years as a John Muir Award Group without any real means of funding and have had to beg and borrow equipment and materials as and when they can.

PWG have need of some powered equipment in order to make life a bit easier for volunteers.

Dur to the uneven state of the ground and extensive area plus some of the heavy items needing transported, they have need for a powered barrow and as this is a high cost item it is beyond their current means.

Costs as follows:

  • Powered barrow with tracks: £1900
  • The add on shed made from recycled materials needs final waterproof roof covering, this will need 2 rolls of polyester torch on roofing felt £200 plus a propane burning torch, hose and regulator £120
  • 2 existing machines need rebuilding, estimated cost of £150
  • Total £2370

From the UKSPF PB, £2370 would be to support Place Woodland and the remaining funding from the £5000 would go towards supporting the overall costs of Garnock Valley Carves.

Location: a) BOPNW has been in existence since June 2007 due to antisocial activity around the area working with Police and Council to help make the place a better one in which to live and work. In that time have run an annual litter pick in Beith and district. Have started and run the community garden and endeavour to bring citizens together for the good and welfare of all. We now run the successful Garnock Valley Carves Chainsaw carving event which attracts carvers from USA Spain, Germany and Canada as well as the top carvers from around UK. We also attract visitors from far and wide and this year has a lady from New Zealand. b) PWG Began the John Muir award scheme in 2012 in various locations in the Garnock Valley. By 2018 we took over the stewardship of Place Woodland which had been planted with Forestry commission grants 25 years previously. After discussions with the owner who granted stewardship of the woodland which included the maintenance of footpaths, bridges also the forest and the trees themselves. This is an extensive area of 62 acres and needs many hours of dedicated work by volunteers.

Proposed on behalf of: Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch and Place Woodland Group

Don't have defined milestones