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Safety Training

F fiona.s.mcmahon  •  2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 543

Estimated Price



Training of staff and volunteers to perform PAT Testing on electrical goods as required.


The charity supplies thousands of second hand electical goods to those in need free of charge. This lets us recycle these items and saves them going to landfill.

To make sure that we are providing safe appliances we test every item to compliance standards. Several volunteers have already been trained but most have moved on to positive destinations and the skills need to be replaced. This one-day course covers all the skills and knowledge required to safely test, inspect and maintain portable electrical appliances.

Thank you.

Location: We collect the items free-of-charge and recycle them by passing them on to the families in need. Clients are referred to us by about 30 partner agencies including several council and NHS departments e.g., social work, housing, the homeless team, drug alcohol and addiction, schools and Money Matters as well as home from hospital nurses, midwifes, health visitors, community connectors and doctors’ surgeries. We also take referrals from Women’s Aid, the Department of Work and Pensions and Christians against Poverty, CAP. This ensures that we can help clients who are most in need. We supply just about every household item from white goods to couches, beds and bedroom furniture to tables and chairs and kitchen utensils to mirrors and pictures. We help single families, large families, looked after and accommodated care leavers, families from the Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan.

Proposed on behalf of: West Coast Furniture Bank SCIO

Don't have defined milestones