Beith Lasses and Lads Burns Club

Investment project code: 14
We wish to encourage people to get together again after covid by holding two major concerts. The first would feature Kilwinning Orchestral Flutes and the second Irvine and Dreghorn Brass Band. We will invite school choirs to take part in both concerts. We will work in conjunction with Barrmill Jolly Beggars to deliver these two concerts. We believe there is still a major problem with many older folk being reluctant to get out and mix together and these two concerts aim to encourage socialising.
Funds requested: £1000
Concert 1 - Kilwinning Orchestral Flutes £500; School Choir donation: £100; Hall Hire £200: Master of Ceremonies £50 (travel expenses and thank you gift); First aiders (2) £50; purvey at interval: £300; Car park attendants: £30; Stewards: £40; Advertising/Tickets/programme £70.
Concert 2 - Irvine and Dreghorn Band £700; School Choir donation £100; Hall Hire: £200; Master of Ceremonies £50 (travel expenses and thank you gift); First aiders (2) £50; purvey at interval: £300; Car park attendants: £30; Stewards: £40; Advertising/Tickets/programme £70.
Total estimated cost of both concerts: £2880. This will be offset by donations at the door which will be donated to a local group viz previously Garnock Valley Disability Forum.
Location: Beith
Proposed on behalf of: We hope to hold concert 1 in April 2023 and concert 2 in September 2023. One event will be held in Kilbirnie whilst the second in Beith. We aim to target an older audience in particular because we are very aware that 150,000 Scottish Pensioners live in relative poverty; before the current cost of living crisis 218,000 older Scottish households were in fuel poverty; 83% of couple pensioners were 'fuel poor' in January 2023; Energy bills were the biggest financial concern for respondents to Age Scotland's Big Survey in November 2022; Around 40% of pensioners in Scotland don't have incomes high enough to pay income tax. Hence there is a clear need to target this group, encourage them to get out and enjoy two special concerts free of charge and meet old friends and make new connections. We will also have a table with information sheets from Age Scotland where assistance can be obtained because we also know that across Scotland hundreds of millions of pounds of social security goes unclaimed by those in need every year. It is sitting in the government bank accounts instead of in the pockets of older people in need. Involving school choirs also brings in an important inter-generational element bringing older and young folk together. That can only be very positive.
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